
Life update

The past few weeks have been full of ups and downs. In fact, I don't think I've ever experienced such a difference in mood in such a short time.
A few weeks ago, I took my midterms for my physics classes. Needless to say, they were extremly hard, and some were downright unfair. Well, I've gotten two of my tests back, and, unsurprizingly, I did horribly on both. The only good news is that the others also did pretty bad on the tests as well.
I plan on picking up my third test tomorrow, and hopefully, I'll have done better on this test, as it did seem the easiest and most fair of the three.
In addition to midterms, it seems like the homework load has doubled from earlier in the semester. Today, for example, I worked on a problem for about 6 hours straight, with only a short break for lunch. Not only that, but I technically started working on the problem yesterday, and worked on it for about 3 hours then.
Nevertheless, I am still striving towards my goal, and I know that no matter ehat, I'll be able to acheive whatever is set in my path.

UPDATE: I received my final Midterm, and I'm quite pleased to say I got an 85%, which was above average, and well within the range of expectations.  Needless to say, I feel much better about myself.

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