
A quick rant

There's a few types of Facebook statuses that tend to annoy me quite a bit. Let's list them out:
1) Song Quotes
2) Inspirational Quotes
3) ... Pretty much just a long stream of never-ending quotes
Does anyone sense a pattern here?

Now, to be honest, I don't mind the occasional quote amid a stream of status updates. However, when your status is nothing but quotes, it gets a bit annoying. You are not a wise old man with years of experience to be giving out insiprational quotes around the clock. You are not a jukebox or music player for there to be 2000 song quote on yor profile. In fact, these types of quote makes you seem quite the opposite: a person desparate for attention, either from an individual or from a group of people. And for those people who quote love songs for their crush or S.O., it's a bit annoying that you do so on Facebook. There are better and more private methods of doing so, without having to smother the rest of us with it.
Instead, go for status updates that are just that: status updates. I may not really care too much that you're eating a pb&j, but I can bet you that it's many times more interesting than a song quote for a song I've never heard.
Well, I guess that wasn't all that short after all.

Edit: Apparently there was some confusion as to what I was referring to in this post.  I wasn't referring to any person in particular. As I said before, I do not mind an occasional quote, but when that is all a person posts, it tends to be somewhat annoying. I'm really only saying that a bit of variety in your status updates would be appreciated.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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