
It's my Birthday!!!

Here's the second of 2 posts for today.

Today is my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm now 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I put 19 !'s both times. I'm 19, I'm 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really excited. Now I'm the "Or older" part of the "18 years or older". I'm on the last leg of my journey through life at a teenager (at least officially). I'm going to have a blast today!

Ok, I'm off.


Final Grades Update

So, this is the first of two posts that I'm going to write today. This first post is an update in final grades.

To make it short and sweet:

Physics 321: A-
Physics 321L: A
Chemistry 177: A-
Chemistry 177l: B
Honors 302: S
Philosophy 201: A
Math 267: A
Music 114A: A

In other words, I did a lot better than i had expected. YAY!!!! My GPA is now 3.86. YAY!!!


Puerto Rican Christmas

So, one thing I'm really looking forward to when I go back home is celebrating Christmas. I'm really looking forward to going on parrandas, which is the Puerto Rican version of Christmas Caroling. In a parranda, we go out at night with our instruments and play at different People's houses. Then they invite us inside and serve us food, while we continue playing songs and having a great time. After an hour or 2, we go to a different house, with the people from the previous house coming along. This usually goes well into the night.
I'm also very excited about El Día de los Reyes (Three Kings Day). Originally, this was the day where all the kids got their presents, but with U.S. influence over the island, we've also get presents on Christmas Day. Anyway, according to tradition, on the night of January 5, we put grass by our bed for the Kings' Camels to eat, and in the morning, we check under our beds to find presents underneath. Afterwards, we have a big party with friends and family, where we play songs and eat traditional food and more or less have a great time. This is a very exciting time for kids, and in my opinion, a lot more fun that Christmas Day.
One thing I'm really looking forward to when I go home is eating Puerto Rican food. I can't wait to eat Arroz con Gandules, Lechon Asao, Chicharrones, and of course, the desserts: Tembleque, Arroz con Dulce, Flan, Dulce de Coco, etc.
For more information on a Puerto Rican Christmas, click here. For more info on El Día de los Reyes, click here.



So, it seems that finally, the semester is coming to an end, and that means, of course, that finals are coming... eww... finals...
Anyway, I have (techniaclly) 5 finals this semester. THe first was my Chem Lab Practical, which was the week before Thanksgiving break. Yeah, i didn't do all that great on it (55/77). Oh well... Right now I have a B in Chem lab, but it's only one credit, so I'm not that worried about that.
My next final is the Philosophy final this Thursday. I'm not that worried about it. I need to get a 93%, or 28 out of 30 points, on it to get an A in the class.
Next Monday I have my Chemistry Final. This is a national standerdized test, and I have to study for it a bit, but altogether I'm not suoer worried. I currently have a B+ in the class. Let's see if I can raise it to at least an A-
Then on Wednesday I have my Diff EQ final. This is one of the easier classes, and my most fun class. I need to get a 94% on it to get an A, so I'm not that worried.
Thursday is my Physics final, and this is the final that I'm going to spend the most time studying for. I have to make sure I understand all the concepts and the formulas very well. Otherwise, I won't do well in the class. Currently, I have no idea how I'm doing in this class, sice there's going to be a curve, but how big is still unkown. However, I currently have a 70% or so, and this is one of the higher grades in the class, so I hopefully won't be to bad in the class.
My other classes don't have finals. Marching Band officially finished with Band Banquet this past Sunday, and Honors is done on Friday. I have A's in both of these, so I'm not worried. My other class is my Physics lab, which I have an A in, so that's that.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a great time back home during winter break. And when I come back next semester, I'll be refreshed and ready for 16 credits.


Long time, no post

Yeah, as I said last time, I haven't posted in a while, a really long while. Well, I think I'll make this my official blog, so I'll try to write in it more often.
Well, this summer has been most fun. I don't think I've ever had a more susy summer. Every weekend there's been something to do.
For the last three weeks, I've been in DC, VA, and a little of MA. It was lots of fun, expecially the Amusement Parks. Lots of roller coasters.
I saw lots of family and friends, and pretty much just had an amazing time. I think, though, that I'm ready to go back to Ames. I'vreaslly missed Iowa State a lot in the last few months.
Well, that's all for now. Cheerio!

The Golden Phoenix



I seem to recall making this blog one day... I haven't used it in a while. Of course, I do have another blog...

Oh well...


I think I'll go now...


New blog

Hey, I have a new blog. YAY!! Now I can write things and stuff...


Eddie the Golden Phoenix