

So, it seems that finally, the semester is coming to an end, and that means, of course, that finals are coming... eww... finals...
Anyway, I have (techniaclly) 5 finals this semester. THe first was my Chem Lab Practical, which was the week before Thanksgiving break. Yeah, i didn't do all that great on it (55/77). Oh well... Right now I have a B in Chem lab, but it's only one credit, so I'm not that worried about that.
My next final is the Philosophy final this Thursday. I'm not that worried about it. I need to get a 93%, or 28 out of 30 points, on it to get an A in the class.
Next Monday I have my Chemistry Final. This is a national standerdized test, and I have to study for it a bit, but altogether I'm not suoer worried. I currently have a B+ in the class. Let's see if I can raise it to at least an A-
Then on Wednesday I have my Diff EQ final. This is one of the easier classes, and my most fun class. I need to get a 94% on it to get an A, so I'm not that worried.
Thursday is my Physics final, and this is the final that I'm going to spend the most time studying for. I have to make sure I understand all the concepts and the formulas very well. Otherwise, I won't do well in the class. Currently, I have no idea how I'm doing in this class, sice there's going to be a curve, but how big is still unkown. However, I currently have a 70% or so, and this is one of the higher grades in the class, so I hopefully won't be to bad in the class.
My other classes don't have finals. Marching Band officially finished with Band Banquet this past Sunday, and Honors is done on Friday. I have A's in both of these, so I'm not worried. My other class is my Physics lab, which I have an A in, so that's that.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a great time back home during winter break. And when I come back next semester, I'll be refreshed and ready for 16 credits.

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