
When you least expect it…

So, for the most part, life here in Ann Arbor has been going pretty smoothly.  I’ve made a few friends, managed to learn how to get around the city, and pretty much settled down into the routine of summer classes.

However, suddenly, my roommate tells me he’s moving to another apartment.  Since he was living here before I came, this means, of course, that suddenly, I have to get a ton of thing for the apartment, things I didn’t plan on getting initially.  Suddenly, life grabs you by your neck and says “Don’t get comfortable, we’re just getting started!”

To make things worse, one of the dashboard lights in my car lit up, and according to the manual (yes, I actually read it) it’s some sort of engine emission thing.  Now, according to Kristin, it usually means that the gas cap wasn’t closed all the way, which happened to be my problem, but the light is still on, and I’m hoping that I didn’t cause something worse.

With a few weeks left before classes start, most of my friends decided to go home for a few weeks, to spend a bit of time with friends and family.   I’m not so lucky.  Most everyone I know is in Ames, and they’re getting ready for classes starting next week, so visiting might not be the best idea at the time, although I might, I haven't fully decided yet. However, with the car issue, this seems less and less like a possibility, since I don’t want to be driving my car that distance with a potential engine failure.  So this leaves me all alone here, waiting for my friends to come back, and basically just being here, doing nothing, except going out to buy things my apartment needs.

At the moment, the only major thing left for my is a dining table.  However, I never knew how expensive these could be.  For a 4-person table, everything I’ve seen is over $250.  There is one exception: an extendable 4-6 person table for $170 at IKEA.  The downside: it’s white.  However, I’m pressed for money, so  I think I don’t have much of a choice.  And I can always put something on top to make it look nicer (tablecloth, placemats, etc.)

So, the whole thing from this is that, although life seems to be throwing everything it’s got towards me, I’m still persevering.  I’ve still got a few weeks to get things to a manageable level, and I’ve still got IM and other forms of communication to talk to my friends.  Hey, maybe I’ll actually try cooking something just to pass the time…

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