

Wow, what a day. Yesterday was a most interesting day, going home...

So first, we are at the Des Moines Airport, and we get in fine, and the plane's about an hour delayed..., no biggie, since we have 3 hours between flights. That flight was uneventful.

However, once in Dallas, things get hectic. First, our flight is delayed an hour, from 3:05 to 4:15. Then, once we get on, we have to get off, because one of the engines is bad. We'd been on the plane for about an hour by this point...

So, we lounge around, blah blah, and then we get our new gate about an hour after that, and we start boarding the plane... except that they tell us to get off again because we need a new crew...


By this point I'm getting a bit impatient (yeah, it took 3 hours for that). Anyway, we wait about another hour, and we finally leave...

I got to Puerto Rico at 2:30, AST (12:30 CST). We were supposed to get here at 10:00pm. So I woke up, after 4 hours of sleep, to help move things to the new house on the other side of the island (more on that later).


Eduardo the Golden Phoenix

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