
Life, the Universe, and Everything

Well, recently, I started using this program thing called Twitter, which is some sort of microblog thing that allows you to post updates of your life in 140 character posts.  It's kinda like a miniblog, except that one basically answers the question: What are you doing now?  I kinda like it, although I'm not following very many people yet.  However, it's a pretty good way for people to know what's going on in my (usually boring) life.

Last week (or the week before, I can't remember very well), there was a crash.  IN SPACE!  Now, I don't know what the odds are, but for two satelites to crash seems very unlikely, so that fact that it did happen was pretty big.  Anyway, this has caused a NASA and other space groups to really start considering the problem of space junk a lot more.  This has made NASA's space shuttle be delayed yet again, so this is a pretty big issue.  Come on, people, we have to keep the universe clean.

Everything else seems kinda pale in comparison, although the Pirate Bay has made pretty interesting headlines in the past week.  Oh, and I got a shirt from shirt.woot again.  This one was the one that had a picture of an atom made of dice.  Yeah, I'm definately a nerd...


Life Directions

I'm not entirely sure why, but reviewing one's life goals seems to be quite popula these days.  Many of my friends recently changed their major, or, in some cases, decided that they wanted to pursue a religious life.
Well, with graduation coming up, I've been thinking more and more about my future, and I've been asking myself some pretty tough questions.  For example: what do I see myself doing in 10 years? Do I really want to be doing Theoretical Physics for the rest of my life?  Is there something else I'd really like to do in my life?
Well, I've been giving thought to some different paths I could take once I have my PhD in Physics, and was thinking about industry (also known as the private sector).  Talking this over with my mom, she mentioned that one of her college friends' husband was a physics graduate who now works in Research and Devolpement at Intel.
I'm not sure what, but something about working for Intel (or a similar company) just seems pretty awesome.  I plan to still get my PhD, but I'm not going to limit my career choices to academia.  We'll see what I'm doing in 10 years.


That feeling of blah...

For some time now, I've just had this feeling of... well... blah.  You know, the feeling where I just don't really want to do anything, and just have a few days where I could sleep in the entire day.  Yeah, one of those feelings.  I still go to all my classes and things, and still go to work, but I sometimes just don't care...

The thing that's scaring me a bit about this time is that it's lasted for a quite a while now.  I'd say I've been in this mood for about 3 weeks now.  Usually, I get it every few months, and it lasts about a week.

I don't know what's changed.  Maybe it's because this is my last semester at Iowa State, and I'm scared of what lies ahead.  Or maybe it's something that happens when you grow older.  Either way, I hope that it leaves soon, because I'm starting to notice it's affecting a few things.  I missed a homework assignment for Philosophy (fortunately, the lowest  2 are dropped), and haven't read anything for some of my other classes.

I think this weekend will be good to me, though.  I'm going on a retreat.  Hopefully, that will help with this mood.

Eddie the Golden Phoenix